DOCS: 6 nuovi documenti tecnici nella sezione TECH DOCS!

TeoriaSono ora disponibili 6 nuovi documenti tecnici che vanno ad arricchire la biblioteca dell’AMDTT!

– Predicting Soil Influence on the Performance of Metal Detectors: Magnetic Properties of Tropical Soils (Medium) NEW!

– Time-Domain response of a Metal Detector to a target buried in soil with frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility (Advanced) NEW!

– Soil impact on metal detector performance and soil characterisation maps (Medium) NEW!

 – Metal Detector Basic Electronics (Beginners-Medium) NEW!

– The Metal Detecting and Faraday’s Law (Beginner-Medium) NEW!

– Metal Detector Coil and Search Head design – Patents and Utility Models (Beginner) NEW! 

Per scaricare i documenti cliccate QUI.

Buona Lettura!


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